International Festival
of Red Cross and Health Films

June 14 - 18, 2023

Freud’s Last Session / Freud’s Last Session (USA-UK), 2023, 118’
Director(s): Mathew Brown

London, 1939. On the eve of World War II, the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, welcomes Oxford graduate and devout Christian S.C. Lewis into his home in Hampstead. Lewis later became the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, but at that time he had recently written a minor fantasy’ novel in which a slight mockery of the great doctor of Vienna slipped in, and he apologized for it. Freud finds Lewis's deep belief in the divine unconvincing and prefers to explore the unexplored corners of his life - his relationship with his late mother and estranged father, post-traumatic stress following his service in World War I, and his unusual relationship with his companion Jenny Moore. who is the mother of his fallen comrade.

FCC EUROPE HALL20.06 Thursday 18:00
WORKING CLASS GOES TO HELL / WORKING CLASS GOES TO HELL (Serbia – Bulgaria – Greece - Cherna gora), 2023, 127’
Director(s): Mladen Jorjevic

In his new film Working Class Goes to Hell, a co-production between Serbia and Bulgaria, Serbian director Mladen Djordjevic focuses on the lives of people on the fringes - a group of former workers whose loved ones died in a fire in a factory in a small Serbian town. Led by the fearless Tsetsa’ (Tamara Krchunovic), they create an association that demands justice from the ruling "troika" - the mayor, the factory owner and the local crime boss. Djordjevic fills his film with signs of the ravaged Serbian society, where politicians, criminals and the Orthodox Church loot, steal and kill, while ordinary people are "zombified" by cruel reality shows.

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 18:00
Director(s): Alexandra Govorchenko, Viktor Der, Margarita Zariuta, Roman Isak, Sergey Klein, Catherine Klein

The main roles are entrusted to friends and associates with whom Denny has worked over the years - the magnificent Juliette Binoche and Vincent Lyndon. The plot follows the relationship of a married couple who have been in a stable relationship for a decade. But this is what reality looks like at’ first glance. It turns out that Sarah is not indifferent to ... her husband's best friend ... "The Two Sides of the Blade" is the third film on which Claire Denny has worked together with the famous writer Christine Ango - the two created the highly successful "The Sun in Us "("Let the Sunshine In"), as well as the short "This is the sequence" ("Voilà l'enchaînement"). The precise work of cinematographer Eric Gauthier reveals the different states of Juliette Binoche's character through the emotional opposites of her essence.

REBONKERS21.06 Friday 20:00
REIN’S GOLD / REINESGOLD (Germany – Italy - Nederland), 2022, 132'
Director(s): Fatih Akin

This colorful personality is at the heart of RHINE GOLD, the latest film story narrated by Fatih Akin, based on the rapper's autobiographical novel All or nothing: We say the world belongs to you").. Expatriate life in Germany offers many opportunities, but also obstacles - Zhivar rises from a petty’ criminal to a serious drug dealer. After the disappearance of a shipment, the famous gold heist is organized in order to clear the debts to the cartel…

REBONKERS22.06 Saturday 20:00
TO THE NORTH / TO THE NORTH (Romania – France – Greece - Bulgaria), 2023, 123'
Director(s): Mihai Mincan

The plot follows the travails of a Romanian fugitive who found a hiding place among the containers on the deck of a transatlantic ship. The emigrant meets a protector in the person of a religious Filipino sailor, but he cannot expect sympathy from the Taiwanese crew.’

RADIO VARNA23.06 Sunday 18:00
BRIGHON 4th / BRIGHTON 4th (Georgia - Russia - Bulgaria), 2021, 90'
Director(s): Levan Koguashvili

Levan's new film is the story of a father, a former wrestler, who travels from Tbilisi to Brighton Beach in New York to help his son, who is in trouble after failing to repay a loan taken out by a restaurant owner and a local mob boss. Thus begins the story of a father and son who not only try to find’ money, but gradually begin to rediscover each other and get to know the strange microcosm of Brighton Beach in Brooklyn. This is the first stop in America for two people who have just arrived from the post-Soviet world in a place where they will get to know the life of emigrants and take their first steps in the "real America". The film tells about the self-sacrifice of a father. With his unique style, which mixes tragic and comic, Levan creates a unique Georgian atmosphere in America and proves himself once again as the most successful continuation of the traditions of Otar Yoseliani in Georgian cinema.

REBONKERS23.06 Sunday 20:00
A film about Galya Koycheva, Ivaylo's mother "We are one of the few families who knew from the beginning that our son had cerebral palsy. They were offering us to leave it. Our parents were of the same opinion. The state charged people that it best takes care of such people. And I, 23 years old,’ with no experience with children, never seen disabled people, I have to make a decision about my baby, baby with no name, baby X.' A baby who, quite late compared to other children, receives the royal name Ivailo. This is the story of a mother who goes through everything with her child. And he is learning. He learns how to preserve his family, create a father-son relationship, until the child himself "takes over" his father. She overcomes herself, overcomes her worries and becomes vulnerable, in front of everyone, to show her life from the inside. Becomes a public spokesperson for the parenting community. A community fighting for an accessible environment for people with disabilities. Over time, she understands that it is important for her family and her now 30-year-old son to enjoy life, to allow themselves to live. That socialization is just as important as rehabilitation. "In later years, I became the mother who can hug him, laugh until we recoil, have fun, dance ... To allow myself to be the mother in my emotion."

RADIO VARNA23.06 Sunday 16:00

A film about Grigoria Ivanova, Veronika's mother In short, a mother's dreams for her daughter to be - to live, to grow up, to be educated, to have a profession, to be loved, to become a mother. Dreams fighting for life in an environment that declares in a daily tone, “This child will not make it, best’ leave him in a home. You are young, you will give birth to another". Dreams, tightly clutching the hope that bad forecasts and our greatest fears will not come true. The film is a short story about a mother's most cherished dream - despite the circumstances, for her daughter to find her happiness and her place in the world, and never be alone.

RADIO VARNA23.06 Sunday 16:00
Director(s): Genoveva Donkova

The film was prepared by the idea of ​​the Varna Society of Pediatric Endocrinology from the TV of the Medical University - Varna "MU-Vi.tv". It tells about the successful joint program of the Municipality of Varna and the Varna Society of Pediatric Endocrinology "Care for children with diabetes and’ rare diseases". Thanks to her, these children can easily attend kindergartens and schools. Spectators will have the opportunity to get to know several children and their families and the specialists from the First Children's Clinic at Sveta Marina UMBAL, who train the staff.

RADIO VARNA23.06 Sunday 16:00
Director(s): Silvia Nikolova

MU-Vi.tv - the television of the "Medical University" - Varna, joined a campaign to counter the false signals on the 112 telephone. Graduates of the school of civic education "Youth Parliament - European Bridge" at the CPLR-ODK - Varna initiated the creation of a television project related to the false’ signals sent to the 112 telephone. In this undertaking, they received assistance from the University of Medicine - Varna, in the form of the university television MU-Vi.tv, in terms of the script, the direction, the technical support of the filming process and the subsequent video editing of the production. The film directs the attention of society and young people to the problem of unregulated calls to 112. The joint project received the unreserved institutional support of the OD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Varna, RS PAB - Varna, Regional Center 112 - Varna, Directorate "National 112 System", CSMP - Varna , RUO - Varna and CPLR-ODK - Varna. With the assistance of RUO - Varna, the film will be distributed among Varna schools, with the aim of reaching the maximum number of young people and their parents. The film is also part of the information campaign of the "National 112 System" Directorate for the prevention of false alarms.

RADIO VARNA23.06 Sunday 16:00
Director(s): Silvia Nikolova

In 2023, the branch of Medical University - Varna in the city of Sliven turned 10 years old. There is one profession that is special in the sense of the human and life code. The essence and philosophy are embedded in her name - nurse. She was once called "merciful", combinations of the best words - mercy and heart. Charity is a common human and religious value that commands self-denial, respect for others and the expression of kindness. In this world, nothing is accidental... Every incident today carries an energy embedded somewhere back in time. Messages from the past reach us in one form or another. 145 years ago, in the place where the branch of the Medical University - Varna is now located, in the city of Sliven, there was the building where the first Red Cross Society was founded. This happened on October 25, 1878, thanks to the prominent public figures of Sliven, the main credit for this goes to Seraphim, the first metropolitan of the Sliven Diocese. Almost a century and a half later, charity, kindness and humanity are again being taught and nurtured behind the back of this building. The time is different, the procedures are different, but the philosophy and understanding of two of the most humane professions - nurse and midwife - remain the same. Even today, the expectations towards them are related to the unreserved willingness to stay with the sick, to accept him as a relative if necessary and to sacrifice something of yourself. To help the ‘mother to give a new life and you to take it with maternal tenderness and dedication in your arms.’

RADIO VARNA23.06 Sunday 16:00
Director(s): Yassen Grigorov

An honest and multifaceted portrait of this very complex rational-irrational, intellectual-emotional act of the human being - forgiveness. A realistic and multi-layered analysis of forgiveness through the major themes "religion", "politics", "art", "education" and "society" based on documents of a’ different nature, and achieved above all by crossing the positions in direct conversations between recognized Bulgarian historians , theologians and clergy, critics, psychologists, artists.

RADIO VARNA22.06 Saturday 18:00
PARTY BUS / ПАРТИ БУС (Bulgaria), 2023, 30'
Director(s): Dilyana Daneva

20 mentally ill people disappear, healthy people are placed in a clinic. Based on a true story.’

REBONKERS22.06 Saturday 18:00
“GOOD NIGHT, LILLY” / “ЛЕКА НОЩ, ЛИЛИ” (Bulgaria), 2021, 24'
Director(s): Petar Vulchev

Hidden in the dark, an elderly woman tries to rearrange her life when she meets the ghost of her greatest love. The last role of Violetta Gindeva.’

REBONKERS22.06 Saturday 18:00
Blood is red all over the world / Blood is red all over the world (Red Cross), 1973, 13’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 14:00
The Red Cross is young all over the world / The Red Cross is young all over the world (Red Cross), 1976, 15’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 14:00
Through humanism to world peace / Through humanism to world peace (Red Cross), 1977, 15’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 14:00
For a child's smile around the world / For a child's smile around the world (Red Cross), 1979, 13’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 14:00
Preparation with Pedro / Preparation with Pedro (Red Cross), 2022, 3’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 15:00
If you think you're worthless / If you think you're worthless (Red Cross), 2021, 9’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 15:00
Disaster Relief Team / Disaster Relief Team (Red Cross), 2022, 8’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 15:00
The daily life of a Syrian family / The daily life of a Syrian family (Red Cross), 2021, 7’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 15:00
Ode to Joy (of Rescue) / Ode to Joy (of Rescue) (Red Cross), 2023, 9’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 15:00
The faces of courage / The faces of courage (Red Cross), 2023, 20’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 15:00
I still haven't found what I'm looking for / I still haven't found what I'm looking for (Red Cross), 2024, 6’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
What is the difference between jus ad bellum and jus in bello? / What is the difference between jus ad bellum and jus in bello? (Red Cross), 2024, 3’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
What does international humanitarian law say about the protection of hospitals during armed conflict? / What does international humanitarian law say about the protection of hospitals during armed conflict? (Red Cross), 2024, 3’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
Central Tracing Bureau / Central Tracing Bureau (Red Cross), 2024, 9’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
Hope, courage and inspiration from the community center in Ubuwe with Nio Bosco and Social Mula’ / Hope, courage and inspiration from the community center in Ubuwe with Nio Bosco and Social Mula’ (Red Cross), 2024, 6’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
What are the Geneva Conventions? / What are the Geneva Conventions? (Red Cross), 2024, 4’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
Climate change is already affecting the lives of the most vulnerable in Gaza / Climate change is already affecting the lives of the most vulnerable in Gaza (Red Cross), 2024, 4’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
International humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law / International humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law (Red Cross), 2024, 3’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
Egypt, the mother of the world’ / Egypt, the mother of the world’ (Red Cross), 2024, 8’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
Ivory Coast, a cultural mix / Ivory Coast, a cultural mix (Red Cross), 2024, 7’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00
Ukraine: Scaling up our humanitarian response / Ukraine: Scaling up our humanitarian response (Red Cross), 2024, 2’

RADIO VARNA21.06 Friday 16:00