International Festival
of Red Cross and Health Films

June 12 - 20, 2025
60 years since its establishment


The Bulgarian Red Cross carries out its activities in pursuit of its main objective to alleviate and prevent human suffering with impartiality and neutrality, without discrimination as to nationality or race, gender, social status, religious belief or political stand.

The Bulgarian Red Cross is a voluntary organization, part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and is guided by its Fundamental Principles: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality.

Through its countrywide network of volunteers, the BRC renders assistance to the vulnerable people in situations of disaster and crisis. By means of training programmes and activities for the benefit of the public, the National Society contributes to alleviating and preventing the suffering in all its forms, it protects health and life and ensures respect for the human being.

In compliance with its humanitarian mission, the Bulgarian Red Cross implements various activities to alleviate vulnerability, prevent the social exclusion of the most marginalized people and improve the quality of their life. It provides services and caries out various initiatives and campaigns related to protecting the human life and health, including promotion of health culture, first aid, road safety and others.

Bulgarian Red Cross supports the State in situations of disasters, accidents, crises and armed conflicts. The organization is part of the Unified Rescue System in Bulgaria.

The Bulgarian Youth Red Cross, through its thousands of volunteers, carries out activities throughout the country, for promotion of humanitarian values, prevention of violence and socially significant diseases, disseminating healthy lifestyle practices among children and young people, training in first aid, first psychological aid and psychosocial support.

Through its Mountain Rescue Service, the Bulgarian Red Cross assists the victims of mountain incidents and its Water Rescue Service ensures the training of qualified lifeguards and works towards prevention of water traumatism.

Medical University "Prof. Paraskev Stoyanov" - Varna

The Medical University of Varna was established in 1961 and is named after Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov – the person who laid the foundations of the surgical school in the history of medicine in Bulgaria.

The Medical University of Varna offers high quality education. It is the first and only university in the country which in 2008 introduced the model of Business Excellence of the European Foundation for Quality management. The diplomas issued by the University are recognized in all European countries.

The attractive multinational environment, the hi-tech methods and means of training, education in real and simulation learning environment, the wonderful conditions for sports in the sea capital are only some of the reasons for which for which the Medical University of Varna is chosen for their studies by students from Bulgaria and 53 countries around the world.

Over 5000 students, postgraduates and PhD students are currently trained at the Faculties of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy and Public Health, at the Medical College and the affiliates in Sliven, Veliko Turnovo and Shumen. The higher school has more than 80 international partners from 5 continents.

The University is proud of the sports achievements of its disciples in swimming, football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, handball and boxing. It has a team in sailing which takes part in competitions with its own wind sailing boat. The theatre group “Infarct” and the students’ dancing group “Diana” at the Medical University win numerous prizes at national and international competitions.

The University is also developing activities to the benefit of society by initiating and conducting a number of social, health and information campaigns organized by students and members of the academic staff such as blood donation, the campaigns “Diabetes” and anti-aids, the students’ campaign “Without cigarette smoke” promoting oral health and many others.