Today the dates for the XXI-st International Festival of the Red Cross and Health Films has been announced. It will be held from 12-th to 20-th June 2025 in Varna, Bulgaria. The films for selection should be sent not later than 15-th March 2025. For more information please visit the XXI-st festival page.
The dean of the Faculty of Public Health, prof. Antonia Dimova, emphasizes that Medical University - Varna participates and will continue to support the organization and implementation of the festival - with human, technical and financial resources.Read the whole news here.
The official opening of the jubilee 20th edition of the International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films will be on June 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in Hall 1 of the Varna Festival and Congress Center under the traditional patronage of the Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria.Read the whole news here.
Academician Hristo Grigorov, chairman of the BCHK and Iliya Raev - director of the forum and chairman of the BCHK-Varna - commented that the motto of the festival - "Through humanism - towards peace and friendship" is particularly relevant today. Read the whole news here.
Several films will have their premieres in our country before the festival. Among them is the Polish "Backwards", based on the true story of a mother of a child with special needs who managed to change the education system in Poland. Read the whole news here.
The world we live in at the moment is quite confused and we should be proud that Varna makes a call to the whole world through humanism to move towards peace and friendship, said the chairman of the BCHK academician Hristo Grigorov. I believe that all united together we will be able not only to preserve the festival, but also to pass it on to our children and grandchildren, he added. Read the whole news here.
The festival will open on June 14 in the large hall of the Festival and Congress Center in the city of Varna. Talks and lectures will be held in the Concert Hall of Radio Varna, and films will be screened at FC, Radio Varna and Re-Bonkers. The program will be enriched with information about the previous editions in places and on our Facebook page.
Following the extended pandemic restrictions in Bulgaria for another two months, we have to postpone the dates of the XIX International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films this year. It will be held from 3 to 6 September 2021 in the city of Varna. All other submission and selection dates are retained.
The acceptance of film submissions for the XIX-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films starts today. It will be held from June 17-th till June 20-th 2021 in Varna (Bulgaria, EU). You can see the regulation on the festival page and download the form to submit your film by e-mail or post. You can also check the alternative ways to submit your film through various internet platforms on which ou XIX-th edition is present. The end date for submission is May 10-th 2021. Considering the difficult pandemic situation we keep the right to make changes on the program, so be sure to check this page or our Facebook page.
The International SOK Festival of Red Cross and Health Films is a biannual event. The XVII-th edition was in 2017 and the XVIII will be held in 2019. Between two festivals the Bulgarian Red Cross and the Medical University-Varna organize an Autumn Academy, as an intermediate and preparatory event. We make round tables and show films to specify the topical issues to be treated at the next Festival, which also serves as thematic criteria for the films to be admitted. We discuss upon the current challenges to the Movement, the role and the topical importance of the Federation, the Committee, the Societies and the Volunteers. We organize workshops for Societies’ activists to teach them how to elaborate the most efficient models of reflecting the work of the Societies, thus making it known to wider public and to announce important issues of the Movement. The Autumn Academy, as an intermediate form of the Festival, attracts Red Cross and Red Crescent activists and volunteers to take part in a tutorial form corresponding to the motto of the Festival “Aggression – Humanity – Cinema”.
This year 2018, the Autumn Academy will give tribune to Red Cross activists, journalists, doctors, media experts, public speakers.
The films will be shown at two locations and will have free entrance. The discussion forum is also open for all visitors.
Traditionally, the Festival and the Autumn Academy are organized under the patronage of the Vice President of Republic of Bulgaria. Mrs. Iliana Iotova will open the Academy and will take part in the discussion forum with her own theme on “Aggression - Humanity – Cinema”.
The Autumn Academy will take place in Varna and SOK Kamchia from 4 to 7 October 2018.
You can read in digital form (PDF document) the bulletins made by Bulgarian Red Cross for the festival.
The 17-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films went from 12 till 15 October in the Sanatoria and Health Complex “Kamchia” under the patronage of the Vice-president of the Republic of Bulgaria - mrs. Iliana Iotova
Leide Jacob (Brazil) who won "Best Documentary Director" award with the movie "My Poetry" posted a report of the festival in portugese.
Your own salvation depends on you
Let us be compassionate to other people’s pains - this has been the idea suggested both in the films, and in the conclusions of the debates at the 17th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films.
Olga Markova
We could hardly find a more significant cultural event containing such a global and topical humanitarian intensity, than the International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films. I still remember the global prestige of its former editions Founded in 1965 in Varna as a biennale; gaining the “A” Category in 1973, it achieved an enormous social and artistic effect and response worldwide. Unfortunately, the ridiculous cataclysms of the transition period in Bulgaria made a terrible impact on it, and since 1991 it stopped “breathing”. An unique by its kind cultural tradition was interrupted. One could imagine what colossal efforts and initiatives like these of Ilko Raev was needed; what support of different social organizations have been needed to restore this forum in 2014 and to start writing its new biography after a half-century loss. We deserve Nobel award for our practice of “annihilation”. This we do in a flash. The creativity is not familiar to the so-called period of “transition”. That is why we start to prospect its infinity…
However, the personal initiative efforts ended with serious results, due to the support of the Bulgarian Red Cross in partnership with the Medical University of Varna. In four years, this forum, enjoying the incredible hospitality of the occasionally preserved at our sea coast divine nature of the Sanatoria and Health Complex “Kamchia”, got matured by skipping, according to me, its teen age. We can find the proof of this, as in the wide scale discussion panel incorporating important topical issues - from terrorism and migrant crisis to hackering and everyday home aggression, as well as in the rich panorama of films, divided into three selections- Red Cross films (here again we have been surprised by finding unexpected art treasures!); documentaries and feature films. In the panorama one can feel the “breathing” of the seven fundamental principles of the Red Cross Organization, founded in the remote 1863. It is even enough to mention only the first three of them: humanity, impartiality, neutrality.
Selected amidst 1890 films from 107 countries applying, 202 cinema works from 49 countries have been screened in seven halls, full of mainly young spectators. Devoted to the topical for the whole mankind problems: wars, increased frequency of natural and social disasters, human rights, child labor use, aggression, pouring literally from everywhere in today’s complicated and confused world… they categorically, with the help of bright works of art, defend their civil positions, alarming the public consciousness, especially young people’s consciousness, aiming to make them join the fundamental human virtues, which, (alas), they usually cannot touch around themselves, like goodness, compliance, charity. I shall allow myself the luxury to express my addiction to the most eloquent existential film example from the “Health Films” competition program, a film that shocked us all. I mean the 24-minutes Brazilian documentary work “My Poetry”, in which the debutante Leide Jacob (awarded as director of the film), attracts our attention with her extreme love and devotion to the unique poems of her mother – the eminent poet Leide Moreira, paralyzed and pinned to bed since ten years now. This shaking with its sincerity audio-visual story about the painful, but productive everyday life of a person living beyond the normal frames due to the cares of her relatives, mainly her daughter, resumes the decade in which the universal poems are transcribed to stay for the generations ahead. The screen enlivens innermost moments, when the main heroine and her hospital attendants are working with visual graphics, based on the movement of her eyes – the only movement she is capable to perform (because of the serious illness amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). The emotional narrative is showing in turn scenes of her everyday life in the past and at present, at the background of the original joyful music inspired by the poetry itself, the music of the composers Nuno Mindelis, Elder Costa and Rafael Toledo, music that to a great extent plays an important dramaturgical role to inspire the idea of human spirit’s triumph over the matter; of the longing for love and happiness “blossoming” in her in days of “flowers and despair”.
Alongside with this great achievement we enjoyed, of course, some other outlining works, like the Bulgarian “Enemies” by Svetoslav Ovcharov, awarded best feature full length film (proving that enemies may turn friends during war times – the Balkan War, 1913); “The Strayed”, the film of the Ukrainian filmmaker Arkadiy Nepytaliuk, awarded for film directing in the same program; “The Way Home”of the film director from Sweden Begonia Randhav, awarded with best short feature award (for the deeply emotional approach to the emigrant thematic); the best health film was announced to be “Tumor” of Abbas Roozbahani, Iran; the best Red Cross/Red Crescent film was the 7 minutes long “Dandelion” in which the film director from Spain Jorge Bellver, with an original animation approach expresses the hope for the future of millions of people in a globalized world; a Special Diploma for masterful storytelling of Red Cross events went to “Ode to (Lifesaving) Joy “ directed by Stathis Avramidis, Greece; the best documentary film award was for the Russian “Small People Big Trees” by Vadim Vitovtsev (telling about the pressure and the invasion of the “Big World” destructive culture in the Central African Republic; special award for Red Cross/Red Crescent films was given to the Turkish Red Crescent for its 3 films about the work of the organization with the Syrian refugees; the Grand Prix – "The Crystal Ship " was given to the 42 minutes long American documentary work of Andrew Anderson "Turn Left Now: Surviving the Unbelievable”, which suggests that all possible deviations should be overcome on your way to reach your goal.
At the official closing of the Festival, the Documentary Movies Academy participants presented their collection of 5-minutes long diploma works, illustrating the warning: “Take care, you may be the next victim”.
For me, the most valuable part of this year’s Festival edition was the discussion part with its exclusively inquisitive cycle of lectures, prepared by famous authors in this field. It started with the lecture of Dr Slavita Djambazova, Deputy Director General, Bulgarian Red Cross: “The Red Cross and Red Crescent Volunteers and the Global Aggression”. She depicted the real necessity of this “precious resource”, especially in today’s quite complicated and unforeseeable circumstances. The lecture of the social anthropologist Dr. Haralan Alexandrov, the NBU lecturer, was directed to the dialectics of creation and deconstruction in the context of human existence, with an accent on “entrepreneurship as a specific category” with its positive and negative aspects; on one side, as a specific attempt for accomplishment of purpose; in social plan – as a society renovation and development function; on the other side – as a destructive energy, an act of the human strive for narcissism, omnipotence, greediness, insatiability. The audience started laughing, when entrepreneur’s ethics was mentioned - obviously the negative examples in this field are considerably prevailing. The discussion touched imperceptibly the topics of corruption and mafia. An utopic conclusion was formed, that the transition would be over then, when the creative entrepreneurship would gain the upper hand over the destructive one. The humor decisively conquered the audience, when the floor was given to Mihail Veshim, - the editor in chief of “Starshell” newspaper. Everyone is born with a mission! “ The “Democracy” newspaper disappeared in a flash, while “Starshell” inexplicably survived” these were the entry words to explain the paradox. Making a paraphrase of the title of the famous Balzac’s novel “Sentimental Education”, Veshim defined his lecture as “Sense of Humor Education”(though I am convinced, that sense of humor is usually intrinsic). Witty and curious were the descriptions of the advantages to be humoristic writer (publicist). When enumerating the types of humor, using some professional as well as professors’ expressions, sounding like real “gems”, the problem “faced” the gradual vulgarization of our nation. Unnoticeably, with ease, the presenter “found“ that the connection between the humor and the Festival motto “Aggression-Humanity-Cinema” in its curing effect. The humor is, of course, a mighty weapon against the aggression. This unique discussion was enriched additionally with remarks, not coincidental of course, made by the writer George Mishev; according to him, “the transition happened to be intransitive”. With the fourth theme, “Humanism Without Sensations”, the political commentator Emil Spahiiski, spontaneously, with an abundance of examples from media information, fixed the attention of the audience; he provoked the active participation of the audience. The visual approach he offered, using excellent by their display and impression video clips with sense of humor, provoked a number of comments from the audience. It became crystal clear, that humanity means to be compassionate in cases tragic events, not taking advantage of them. A quite eloquent illustration for this was the laconic (about a minute long) clip about the refugees named “They did not Choose Their Fate”. With its direct emotional influence, the clip hit the audience directly in the heart; hopefully a broader young audience could see this clip. Spahiiski paid attention to the universal tools to manipulate the mass media and to make “trading with the fear sells much more than Virtue”.
In his expose Valeri Naidenov, the founder of “24 Hours” newspaper, put the accent upon the relatively new outlook to the topic “Who Organized the October Revolution?”, the event which reshaped the world. Making quotations from a number of new research works and suggestions, he tried to reconsider, using their point of view, the role of “indisputable“ figures from the Russian history like Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Lenin, Stalin, Dzerzhinsky, Khrushchev, Yeltsin, Beria, etc., to deny the reality of key events, like the attacking of the Winter Palace by Aurora Cruiser. We are obviously reaching to the inevitable necessity of rearranging our concepts concerning heroes and antiheroes. The new version of the researchers nowadays is that the so-called Bolshevik revolution has been planned and realized by Russian generals…
I am asking myself: how many new versions are we going to survive!
As a conclusion - the officially opened by the Vice-president of the Republic of Bulgaria Iliana Iotova and under her patronage - 17th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films (11-15 October), not only “sheltered” more than 180 guests, but it also pleased all the people taking part with free-access screenings of the most successful for the last year productions of the European cinema. For the fourth time in turn this forum is successfully striving to defend its respectful biography, trying to “adapt” it to the circumstances of the present, heavy breathing and troubled Day.
MILLIYET:The Varna Film Festival award for the Turkish Red Crescent
The Turkish Red Crescent documentary, depicting the humanitarian action in support of Syria, has been granted a Special Award at the Film Festival in Varna.
The 17th edition of the Film Festival with humanitarian thematic was held between 12-15 October in a resort complex near Varna. The motto of this edition of the Festival was the overcoming of the consequences of wars and rioting. The international jury consisted of five members: Beppe Cino, film director from Italy; Emanuela Mutafova, Varna Medical University Dean, Yana Marinova, Bulgarian actress, Armagan Pekkaya, film director from Turkey and the Chairman of the Moscow Film Academy Pavel Vasev.
The President of the Turkish Red Crescent Dr. Kerem Kinik addressed the Festival at its opening. Dr. Kinik, minding the grieve of the people all over the world caused by the wars and the migration, appealed for joining hands to fight the crises of the people. In the context of the appeal for “hands making good”, Dr. Kinik invited the humanitarian organizations for joint actions and mutual support. The Turkish Red Crescent documentary, depicting the humanitarian action in support of Syria has been granted the Special Award of the 17th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films, in a competition with more than 200 other films in the following categories: feature films, short films, documentaries and Red Cross and Red Crescent films.
The documentary film “The Kitchen” was screened, a film telling about the fate of the women refugees in Turkey. The director of the film is the Turkish representative in the jury of the Festival. The audience accepted the film with a great interest. The film director was granted Honorary award by the Festival organizers for his socially oriented works.
Romanian Red Cross delegation at the International Festival of Red Cross and Health films.
The solidarity and the compassion are bringing people closer together and help them overcome borders, and the motto “Through Humanity to peace and friendship” is the best possible message for the people. This was announced by the Vice-president Iliana Iotova at the opening of the XVII International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films under the motto “Aggression, Humanity, Cinema”.
The event is organized from 12 till 15 October in the Sanatoria and Health Complex “Kamchia” under the patronage of the Vice-president of the Republic of Bulgaria, as more than 1800 films from more than 100 countries have applied to take part in the preliminary selection.
“Today, when fanatics and desecrators of human values are fighting against the human nature and for the minds of the young people, you show with your efforts that life has no price, and, there is no religion to approve death to life. This is what humanity means, however the daily life erases the meaning of this word from us”, said Iliana Iotova.
The Vice-president noted, that the Bulgarian Red Cross is always the first to respond there, where the human tragedy meets the hope, there, where in the first moments the first aid and the compassion are more important than anything else. “Due to the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, hundred of thousands of people receive the first aid and the first good words, while crossing the borders of the European countries seeking salvation and good future for their kids”, pointed out Iliana Iotova. The Festival organizers – the Bulgarian Red Cross and the Medical University “Prof. Paraskev Stoyanov” received from the Vice-president a high assessment for their overall activity.
The Vice-president underlined, that the Festival turns Kamchia into a space of get-together, conversations and discussions for many health-care organizations. “Kamchia became the international capital for the humanitarian movements and organizations” added Iliana Iotova and she reminded about some of the most popular Bulgarian films, prize-winners from this prestigious competition: “Doomed Souls”, “Adaptation”, “Question Time”.
“During the coming Festival days the spectators will enjoy a kaleidoscope of emotions and feelings, they will sense both the hardships and the satisfaction that volunteers and doctors feel because they have devoted their work and their life to the sake of saving lives. During the forthcoming Festival days, with the help of the art we shall be wandering and shall be discovering, we shall be pondering and we shall be acting, we shall be suffering and we shall be enjoying, we shall be dipping into the magic of the cinema art”, said the Vice-president.
According to Iliana Iotova, by the film productions the spectators will meet with the aggression – one of the most terrible challenges of the 21st Century. “Where did we make mistake as people, and allowed the killing and the injuring of our children in school; the clashes on the roads; the injuring of doctors by patients; the injuring of school teachers”, added the Vice-president.
Iliana Iotova also added, that with the help of the films, we shall be able also to meet the human faces of the migration and of the refugees, because we got used to talk about these phenomena in figures and percentages, as if the point is not about living creatures, exiled by the wars and the misery.
“We shall face the people’s mistakes and the dangerous game with the nature, which revenges back with disasters; but we shall also face the invincible determination of the human being to overcome the suffering”, added the Vice-president and underlined, that we have to pronounce the problems without fear, we have to call them with their real names, and the art will help us to avoid loosing the humanity in ourselves.
Important notice from 17-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health films:
Due to the huge number (above 1800) of films submitted by more than 105 countries, the Festival Selection Committee extends the deadline to announce the selected films till July 15th 2017. Thanks for the understanding.
Today we released the regulations for XVII-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films - Varna. You can get it from the following link:
From 17 to 21 November 2016 in Varna took place the pilot project of International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films - "AUTUMN ACADEMY 2016" with main theme "Agression - Humanity - Cinema".
We present to your attention the Bulgarian Red Cross bulletin of the Autummn Academy. Inside you will find a short review of the event and interviews with several key lecturers.
For more information about the Autumn Academy 2016 visit it's page.
Between 17th and 21st November 2016, Varna is hosting the Autumn Academy of the International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films. The theme of the Academy for this year is “Aggression – Humanity _ Cinema”. The Academy program includes lectures, discussions, working sessions with eminent lectors.
The Academy includes also films programs in SOK Kamchia and the Municipality of Varna Plenary Hall with free admittance. For the guests and citizen of Varna a special program will premiere films from China, Indonesia, Malaysia.
For more information click here to visit the pages of Autumn Academy 2016.
Short video resume of 16th International Festival of the Red Cross and Health Films in Varna, Bulgaria - 28 September - 3 October, 2015.
Humanity shines at Red Cross film fest in Bulgaria
The 16th edition of International Festival of the Red Cross and Health Films in Varna brings health issues in the spotlight./Bulgarian RC/
By Andreea Anca, IFRC
For a second consecutive year this fall the topic of Humanity was in the spotlight at the International Festival of the Red Cross and Health Films in Varna, Bulgaria, shining with the glamour of a celebrity in a series of documentaries and feature films screened between 28 September - 3 October.
Red Cross and Red Crescent representatives from around the world walked the red carpet alongside Bulgarian humanitarians, politicians and celebrities.
The IFRC`s “Stop Indifference. Protect Humanity” campaign enjoyed its own moment of fame when the Vice-President of Bulgaria, Margarita Popova, patron of the event, signed the IFRC petition that calls on the public and governments around the world to share the universal responsibility of protecting migrants in countries of origin, transit and destination.
Emotional screenings and thoughtful discussions
The opening film “The Salt of the Earth” from director Wim Wenders showcased photos taken by the well-known photojournalist Sebastian Salgado, and highlighted some of the major events in recent history and their humanitarian consequences. The screening set the stage for an in-depth round table discussion focused on the plight of people on the move in the current context of migration in Europe, as well as the response of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Participants in the discussion included members of the Bulgarian Red Cross, representatives of other local humanitarian organizations, the Vice-President of Bulgaria, one IFRC representative, the president of the Turkish Red Crescent, diplomats, several other Bulgarian public figures as well as members of the public.
“The event was a great opportunity to address important humanitarian concerns and put across some essential messages,” said Mette Petersen, Head of Country Cluster, IFRC, who works closely with National Societies in the Balkan region including the Bulgarian Red Cross. “It linked up many stakeholders in the humanitarian field in an interesting context of the films,” she added.
The film festival featured more than 130 documentaries and films, including some produced by National Societies themselves . The Red Cross and Red Crescent Best Film Award went to “Musteshva”, a silent documentary depicting Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers working in a refugee camp of two million people in Darfur.
In his Skype address to the public, the Turkish director Armagan Pekkaya, said:
“Thank you on behalf of the Turkish Red Crescent for this award. I wanted very much to be with you but I will become a father very soon. I dedicate this award to the little Aylian, thrown by the sea on our sea-shore. As a future father I would like to live in a world where parents never have to grieve for their children.“
- See more at:…/international-red-cross-and-red-cre…/…
Dear Mrs. Vice-President,
Dear Governors of the Bulgarian Red Cross,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all I would like to express my satisfaction with the fact that I am here. Please, accept my gratitude to the District Council of the Bulgarian Red Cross and to the National Council of the Bulgarian Red Cross for inviting me.
We, the governing body of the humanitarian organizations, happen to face difficult dilemmas every day. On one side, we are helping people in need. We make upmost efforts to protect their dignity. According to our principles, we never use people’s drama to make propaganda. At the same time, we know that we live in the era of communications. We are aware of the effect that might be produced upon the public, as locally, so internationally, by the image of a crying child, of a disabled old man, of a sick person. By exposing their drama in its “nakedness” we might probably achieve increasing the amount of the donations for them, but what we aim at is to respect and protect their dignity.
The motive force of the art and of the cinema comes right here. Presenting the crude everyday reality by means of the cinema language and hence sending it to those it concerns, is the filmmakers’ duty. Thus I would like to express my deepest respect to the filmmakers’ work.
I trust this Festival will be a competition amidst the best films. The magic of art, of cinema, we shall be able to see it here once more. Showing human tragedies this time. The film that we proposed to take part in the Festival is exactly of that type. The film director, Mr. Armagan Pekkaya, who is part of our humanitarian activities team, by calling the film “Hospital” he turns the attention to Darfur region in Sudan. He turned his camera to show our humanitarian activities there. The hospital, founded by the Turkish Red Crescent in the desert, turned into a place, where thousands of children, women and elderly people grasped life. All tis is described in our reports. As you may know, our reports consist of documents and statistics data. And what our colleague did made a much greater effect, as compared to our hundreds of sheets of paper as reports. I mean exactly that effect, when talking about the motive force of art.
Along with our territories, the whole world witnesses similar tragedies. Still no proper solutions have been found for the problems in Africa. We are witnessing an everyday growing process of migration caused by wars. Our country hosts at least 2 millions of guests from Syria, compelled to live away from their homes. Reaching the point when they lost their hope to go back home, they started to push open the doors of Europe. The dead body of the baby Aylan was found lying on the coast. The lost humanity is waking up, but if you ask for my opinion, the community in the world is still not applying humanity in cases of huge disasters.
We, the representatives of the Red Cross and Red Crescent family, trying to fight these disasters, sometimes find ourselves in a deadlock. In order to enhance the feeling of humanity in the world policy and public affairs, we use the irreplaceable force of art and cinema.
Once more I would like to congratulate the hosts of this remarkable organization – the Bulgarian Red Cross. I wish success to all the art-people, whose films compete at the Festival.
I express my respect to you with a hope for a world without suffering people.
Turkish Red Crescent Society President, Ahmet Lutfi Akar
By clicking on the images on the right You can browse through the festival diaries in PDF format.
- XVI IFRCHF Diary for 28.09.2015
- XVI IFRCHF Diary for 29.09.2015
- XVI IFRCHF Diary for 30.09.2015
- XVI IFRCHF Diary for 01.10.2015
- XVI IFRCHF Diary for 02.10.2015
- XVI IFRCHF Diary for 03.10.2015
- SPECIAL XVI IFRCHF Diary for 03.10.2015
The XVI International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films was officially closed on 3 October 2015 in SHC „Kamchia” – Varna.
All the awarded participants were announced in an official ceremony and the Festival Director, Ilia Raev gave an honorable award to the Art Director, prof. Bojidar Manov for an overall contribution to the Red Cross idea.
Among the winners in the category The Best Red Cross and Red Crescent Award, as best film was awarded “Mustesfa”, Turkey, director Armagan Pekkaya. Mr. Pekkaya was reached through skype and he thanked with the following words: “Cordially thank you on behalf of the Turkish Red Crescent for this award. I wanted very much to be with you, but I will become a father very soon. I dedicate this award to the little Aylian, thrown by the sea on our sea-shore. As a future father I would like to live in a world where the parents never grieve for their children.
The President of the Bulgarian Red Cross Award was given to the films “Disaster Management Unit I” and “Disaster Management Unit II”, and “Emergency Medical Services I”, Lebanon, director Naji Becara.
The Best Documentary Film Award was given to the Bulgarian film “TOTAL Denial” with director Milena Kaneva, and as favourite for the category The Best Feature Film Award unanimously was chosen the Albanian masterpiece “Bota”, directed by Iris Elezi and Thomas Logoreci.
The Mayor of Varna Award for Significant Creative Achievement was given to “Shooting Star”, co-production Bulgaria-Italy with director Lyubo Yonchev.
According to the Regulations of the Festival were also given the following awards:
- to the film “Holy Mother Pyre“, with director Hristo Stoychev by the Union of Bulgarian Film Makers;
- to “Diagnosis +”, director Alexander Yanev by Nu Boyana Film Studio;
- special award for contribution to the development of the humanitarian films and documentary was given to baroness Denislava Angelova for the realization of the film “The Diabetes Cause” with director Iva Martinova.
The little heroes, participants in this film, dedicated to the fate of children with diabetes, were invited on the scene and touched the spectators with their hard destiny and unbending spirit.
Today the 16-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films was opened by the vice-president of Bulgaria Mrs. Margarita Popova. Find more images from the opening ceremony on the facebook page of the festival.
Today a press conference about the opening of the 16th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films on September 28th (monday) was held in Varna.
It was largely covered in Bulgarian on-line and tv media:
Chernomore: The XVI-th Festival of Red Cross and Health Films is starting. The event, which restores its character as competition, runs under the patronage of the vice-president of the Republic of Bulgaria Mrs. Margarita Popova.
Focus-news: Hristo Grigorov, Bulgarian Red Cross Chairman: The restoration of the International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films returns Bulgaria back to the intellectual world of Europe.
Focus-news: The XVI-th Festival of Red Cross and Health Films will be held in Varna
Focus-news: Films from 21 countries will be shown on the XVI-th Festival of Red Cross and Health Films in Varna The Refugees are the epicentre of the 16th International Festival of Red Cross and health films.
Regional Television Centre Varna: A FESTIVAL OF RED CROSS FILMS IN VARNA Sixteenth edition of the International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films in Varna in September !
You can read the press centre announcement here.
You can download the 16th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films catalogue from THIS LINK or by clicking on the picture on the right in pdf format.
From today You can get a FREE TRAVEL & COFFEE CARD!
1. You can take it from the Red Cross office in Varna on 3 Bratya Shkorpil Street.
2. You can dowload the card image and show it from the screen of Your smartphone or tablet.
3. You can get the Portable Data Format file from HERE and print it Yourself.
Any of the three versions will be valid during the festival for a free trip from Varna to SOK "Kamchia" and back. The bus times are on the CARD itself.
Today we have the pleasure and honour to present You the juri of 16-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films - Varna.
Inernational introduction TV spot for 16-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films - Varna.
Our media partner - Bulgarian National Television made a short spot to announce the
16-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films.
Today we presented the organization committee and the representative faces of the reborn International Red Cross Film Festival in its 16-th edition on a pressconference in BTA (Bulgarian Telegraph Agency) in Sofia.
Today we released the regulations for XVI-th International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films - Varna. You can get it from the following link: