International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films
September 8 - 11, 2022
Prof. Assena Serbezova
Prof. Assena Serbezova, , minister of health from 2021, Ph.D. graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy, MU-Sofia in 1996 and defended a dissertation in the field of social medicine and organization of health care and pharmacy in 2007. Master of Health Management and Public Health (Faculty of Public Health, MU-Sofia) and M.Sc. in Health Policy and Pharmacoeconomics (Barcelona School of Management, Univeristat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain). He completed his master's degree in psychology at Veliko Tarnovo University two years ago. There are three recognized majors: organization and economics of pharmacy and distribution practice, organization and economics of pharmaceutical production, and clinical pharmacy.
Professor at the Department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Public Health, MU-Sofia.
Executive Director of the Medicines Executive Agency under the Minister of Health (2014–2018).
Member of the Management Board of the European Medicines Agency (2014-2018).
Member of the Health Technology Assessment Commission (2016–2018).
Chairman of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Union (2020-2021).
Minister of healthcare (2021-2022).
She has over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector, holding various positions in the areas of drug authorization, pharmacovigilance, clinical drug trials and health technology assessment. Auditor of European standards for good practices in the pharmaceutical sector.
Prof. Benjamin Goldburg
Doctor from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, Ph.D., History and Philosophy of Science, 2012 Dissertation: William Harvey, In Search of the Soul: Theology and Philosophical Anatomy; Master's degree from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. History and Philosophy of Science, 2007. M.A., Philosophy, 2011; BA from Carleton College, Northfield, USA, Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude, 2004 Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities at the University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
Valeria Veleva

She graduated from "Bulgarian Philology" and "Philosophy" at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Since 1973 until 1992 works at BNT. She is the author of documentaries and historical essays, and was the responsible editor of the First Program. In 1992 is part of the team of the newspaper "Dneven Trud" and starts her own column "Po Pantofi" /"Confessions in Slippers"/, in which the most famous Bulgarian statesmen, politicians, public figures, artists, representatives of science, etc. are the subject of her interviews. Along with this, she established herself as an authoritative political reporter and analyst of public events in our country. She was awarded the "Reporter of the Year" award two years in a row - in 1995 and 1996. In 2002 Valeria Veleva was awarded the most prestigious award in the field of print media in our country - "Chernorizets Hrabar" for overall creativity. In 2001, Veleva became the editor-in-chief of the "Society and Analyzes" department in "Trud". She currently publishes analyzes and has an author column in "Standart".. In 2009 was also elected vice-chairman of the Commission for Ethics in Print Media at the National Council for Journalistic Ethics.
She is the author of the books "Men in Power", and "Money, Power, Comenism".
Prof. Dr. Veselina Raeva, lecturer of stage speach
Professor Veselina Raeva, PhD, is a teacher at NATFIZ "Krastyo Sarafov", where she teaches the specialty "Stage Speech and Legal Speech" in the acting classes of Prof. Ivan Dobchev, Prof. Dr. Ivaylo Hristov and Prof. Zdravko Mitkov. as well as in the specialty "Speech Standards" in the theater directing class of Prof. Art. Cor. Plamen Markov. He is also the head of the Master's degree "Public Speaking". Leads programs in "Stage Speech" and "Acting Mastery" at the National Academy of Music "Pancho Vladigerov" and "Voice and Environment, Legal Speaking Practices" at the New Bulgarian University.
She specialized in voice-speech technique at the National Academy of Dramatic Art "Silvio d'Amico" in Rome. She was awarded the educational and scientific degree of doctor for the study "Legal discourse as a pedagogical problem in the conditions of acting" (2005). She was awarded the scientific title of associate professor for the study "Prosodic shaping of speech as a pedagogical concept" (2013), and the scientific title of professor - for the study "Cultural aspects of stage speech. Emotional Hearing” (2016). Chairman of the General Assembly of NATFIZ "Krastyo Sarafov".
Ivan Garelov, journalist
He graduated from Sofia University with a degree in journalism. In 1972, he started working at the Bulgarian Television as a reporter, after which he hosted the political-information program "Panorama" for 21 years. At BNT, he also created the evening news program "Ekip 4", which was popular at the time. 2000-2001 worked at Nova TV as director of "Information and Publicity". 2004-2006 he was the host of the show "Vote of Confidence" on BTV.
In 2011, Garelov co-founded Circle 11, which organizes the annual St. Vlas television journalism awards. In 2012, he implemented the Internet project, and between 2013 and 2014, together with Elena Yoncheva, he hosted "The Original" on TV7. In 2017, he became a media adviser in the government of Ognyan Gerdzhikov.
Prof. Dr. Ivo Hristov, sociologist
Prof. Ivo Hristove was born in Kiev. He graduated from 31 high schools, Sofia. Master of Law and Doctor of Sociology of Law at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski with a dissertation on Legal regulation and modernity - a sociological study of two typological cases: Western Europe and Bulgaria (2003). Associate Professor at the Department of Applied and Institutional Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" (2009), Professor since 2016. He teaches "Sociology of Law", "Theory of Modernizations", "Historical Sociology of Modern Institutions" at Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" and at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski.
He specialized at the International Law Institute in Washington, DC, USA (2000); Moscow School of Political Studies - Council of Europe: Moscow-Stockholm-Strasbourg (2002); Carlo Bo University of Urbino, Italy (2005); Neuwaldeg Institute in Vienna (2007); American Research Institute in Turkey - Istanbul (2010); Fernan Brodel Center - New York State University, Binghamton, USA (2012); Max Planck Institute for the History of European Law in Frankfurt am Main (2010-2012) and others. He was a guest professor at the Samara Federal University - Faculty of Sociology (2016-2017) with lecture courses in sociology of geopolitics and historical sociology of modernity.
He is the author of four monographs and numerous articles.
Tatiana Doncheva, public figure
Tatiana Doncheva completed the Faculty of Law at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski - specialty Law .
From 1985 to 1992 she worked as a prosecutor in the District Prosecutor's Office - Gabrovo, and in the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office. She has been a lawyer since 1992.
She was a Member of Parliament in the 38th, 39th and 40th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. During this period she was a member of the following standing committees: Legal Committee, Committee on National Security, Committee on Internal Security and Public Order - Vice-Chairman, Subcommittee on Control of Special Services - Chairman. In the 40th National Assembly she was also a member of the temporary commissions for amendment of the Constitution, chairman of working groups for the adoption of a new Criminal Procedure Code, a new Tax and Social Security Procedure Code, a new Law on the State Agency for National Security. Tatiana Doncheva was Deputy Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Left in the 38th National Assembly and of the Parliamentary Group of the Coalition for Bulgaria in the 40th National Assembly. She was a member of the Bulgarian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and a member of the Committee on Economy and Security.
Her life is also marked by the art of music - for more than 10 years she was a violinist in the world-famous Bulgarian children's and youth philharmonic "Pioneer".
In 2016, Tatiana Doncheva launched the open project "The Great Forgotten". Its purpose is to pay the necessary respect to great Bulgarians, as well as to what we call national memory.
Haralan Alexandrov, is a lecturer at New Bulgarian University, with research interests in the field of social anthropology, social policy and organizational studies. He graduated in Slavic philology at Sofia University, and his thesis was on inter-ethnic relations in areas with a mixed population in Bulgaria. He has a doctorate in anthropology at the Institute of Folklore at the BAS. He specializes in universities in Canada, Slovakia, Great Britain, Hungary and Russia. He is a member of the Institute for Human Relations and the Board of Trustees of the Open Society Institute - Sofia.
Dr. Tsveteslava Galabova, national expert in psychiatry
Dr. Tsveteslava Galabova graduated from the Medical University in Sofia in 1992, from the University of National and World Economy in 2006 and from SU. Since 1994 she has been working at the State Psychiatric Hospital "St. Ivan Rilski", for 11 years she has been its director. Since December 2014 she is a national expert in psychiatry of the Bulgarian Medical Union. Dr. Galabova is a member of the Medical Council for Combating Coronavirus.