November 17 - 21, 2016
Awards and nominations - Moscow ’15 – Public award; Monterey ’15 – Public award; India international festival ’15 – Diploma; Antalia ’15 – Best music
Kosovo 2004, five years after the war. Nenad, ten years Christian boy from a Serbian enclave, determined to create a proper community burial for his late grandfather, crosses enemy lines and makes friends among the Muslim majority in deeply divided, war-torn Kosovo.
While driving aimlessly after a quarrel with his girlfriend, a writer accidentally runs over and kills a child. The accident and its aftermath deeply traumatizes him. Over the next 12 years, he struggles to make sense of what happened and continue on with life, but when he looks in the mirror, he sees a murderer.
Pavel Zuev suddenly looses his sight and this restarts his life. Sadly for him, he will never see the woman, that helps him stand on his feet and start this new life.
Moma is a bum and suffers from depression.
Emma is a bum treated from alcoholism.
Moma lives in an abandoned factory.
Emma lives in the shaft.
Moma likes Emma at first sight.
Emma likes Moma from second sight.
Dheepan is a Tamil freedom fighter, a Tiger. In Sri Lanka, the Civil War is reaching its end, and defeat is near. Dheepan decides to flee, taking with him two strangers - a woman and a little girl - hoping that they will make it easier for him to claim asylum in Europe. Arriving in Paris, the 'family' moves from one temporary home to another until Dheepan finds work as the caretaker of a run-down housing block in the suburbs. He works to build a new life and a real home for his 'wife' and his 'daughter', but the daily violence he confronts quickly reopens his war wounds, and Dheepan is forced to reconnect with his warrior's instincts to protect the people he hopes will become his true family.
Situated some 200km off Italy's southern coast, Lampedusa has hit world headlines in recent years as the first port of call for hundreds of thousands of African and Middle Eastern migrants hoping to make a new life in Europe. Rosi spent months living on the Mediterranean island, capturing its history, culture and the current everyday reality of its 6,000-strong local population as hundreds of migrants land on its shores on a weekly basis. The resulting documentary focuses on 12-year-old Samuele, a local boy who loves to hunt with his slingshot and spend time on land even though he hails from a culture steeped in the sea.
Electricity is scarce and a problem that persists all over India. This is a story of a school drop-out trying to find a solution to the electricity problem. Science and innovation are the backdrops set in a rural background.
A horse is like the mother to the orphan Panpan. When the horse is lost, Panpan's world collapes. On the way to find the horse, Panpan and his teacher are searching tor the hope together.
Adapted loosely from Romeo and Juliet, Pekak is a story about a deaf drug pusher Uda whose dream is to get a cochlear implant so that he can finally hear again. When Uda meets and falls in love with Dara, an innocent school girl, he is even more determined to leave the life he's always known for a future with Dara. But will he be able to break free from the vicious ties that bind him or will he be stuck forever in the same bleak existence?
During the Iraqi-Iranian war, which started in 1980 and lasted for eight years, a Muslim family in a Kurdish village received from the government the corpse of their son, who had been killed in the war. When they were preparing for the funeral, they discovered that the corpse was not circumcised, and they had doubts that it was their son. Once they told their Christian neighbors about that, the problem grew as each family claimed the body was their son.
The young pianist Roman Osina enters oncology clinic with a diagnosis of "Sarcoma Ewing" and there meets a young talented artist Julia. After mutual sympathy, they try to spend their free time together. Forgetting diagnoses, they start living like ordinary young people.
But one day the disease reminds himself. Roman understands that the situation of Yulia is grave and medicine is powerless. Believing in the power of music, he decided to perform the second concert of Rachmaninov in the clinic in the hope that it could help her. This is a story about first love, sacrifice for loved ones and the hope that never dies ...
In Zhangjiaxian, a small village in the Great Northwest, the villagers are poor but content. Crime is virtually unheard of and honesty prevails throughout … until one day a remarkable event occurs in the peaceful village: four of Zhang Yonghong’s prized sheep disappear without trace.
Zhang Yonghong reports the crime to Zhang Sanyuan, the Village Head, who in turn contacts the local Police Chief. The case is soon ‘solved’, yet Zhang Yonghong doesn’t receive the compensation he is promised and the thief is not even arrested. On the contrary, when official after official turns up at the village to look into the case, Zhang Yonghong soon finds himself tangled in a web of bureaucracy and political shenanigans and consequently his small flock of sheep gradually becomes even more depleted.
A movie about Saudi Arabia
Биографичен филм за проф. д-р Ванко Ванков, ректор на Медицински университет - Варна от 20.VI.1983 до 27.IV.1987 г. Проф. Ванков е основател на Катедрата по анатомия, хистология и ембриология.
Биографичен филм за д-р Виктор minчев - един от основните организатори и двигатели при изграждането на клиниката по ортопедия и травматология в УМБАЛ „Св. Марина“ – Варна. Една от учебните зали носи неговото име. Това признание той получава посмъртно, година след като напуска този свят.
Филмът разказва за инсулта - за симптомите, които го съпровождат, за рисковите фактори, за лечението и рехабилитацията. Мозъчно-съдовите заболявания са глобален медицински и социален проблем, заради високата смъртност и инвалидност, които причиняват. Част от героите във филма са хора, преживели инсулт. Те разказват своите истории за срещата с този „удар“, за лечението си, за страховете си, за живота преди и след това.
Биографичен филм за проф. д-р Гарабед Капрелян, ректор на Висшия Медицински Институт – Варна и декан на факултета по медицина през периода 1977 – 1983 година.
Биографичен филм за проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов.
От 2002 година Варненският медицински университет носи името на проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов. Иноватор в здравната практика във Варна и цяла Bulgaria, основоположник на морелечението.
Филм за Центъра по трансфузионна хематология във Варна. Живеем в свят, в който непрекъснато получаваме обещания, неустоими предложения и страхотни оферти. Винаги сме готови да взимаме, да ползваме, да консумираме. Да дариш нещо от себе си e чувство, което няма цена.
„Синдромът на Даун”е филм за различните; за техните нужди, за тревогите на близките им, за нетърпимостта в обществото. „Синдромът на Даун”е филм за толерантността, търпението, обичта и професионализма на хората, които обгрижват белязаните и техните семейства.